If your smile is hindered by crooked teeth, you might be in the habit of hiding it behind your lips or hand. However, showing off your smile not only broadcasts how you’re feeling but also comes with health advantages, including an elevated mood. It can be hard to want to show your pearly whites when they’re crooked, but Invisalign treatment can make this a thing of the past. Here are five benefits of smiling after getting clear aligners according to your orthodontist in Frisco.
Make a Good First Impression
Needless to say, a person who is smiling automatically becomes more approachable. However, studies suggest that people with bright smiles are perceived as more trustworthy, more successful, and friendlier. Making a good first impression in this way can open doors in your life – romantically, socially, and professionally.
Improve Your Mood
Even if you don’t particularly feel like smiling, try it anyway! Research shows that physically moving your mouth into a smile produces the same brain activity as if you had smiled naturally. It may trigger the creation of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that are both linked to elevated moods.
Relieve Stress
After a particularly stressful situation, feel free to reward yourself with a smile of relief. Smiling reduces the heart rate, helping you calm down more quickly. You’re also more likely to avoid the health risks associated with chronic stress.
Look Younger
In a study conducted by the Max Planck Institute in Berlin, participants were presented with two sets of photos. One featured people smiling and the other showed people with neutral facial expressions. Participants overwhelmingly believed the grinning people looked younger. Even with laugh lines on your face, showing off a brilliant set of teeth can take years off your appearance!
Boost Your Immune System
Believe it or not, smiling and laughing actually increase your white blood cell count. This makes it easier for your body to fight off foreign pathogens and prevent illness. Who knew grinning could keep you from getting sick?
Are you ready to begin enjoying the benefits of smiling more often? Getting a set of pearly whites that you can be proud of is as simple as picking up the phone. Call your orthodontist in Frisco today to start looking and feeling better before you know it!
About the Author
Dr. Bradley Buchwald earned his dental doctorate from Nova Southeastern University. He earned his Certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Science degree in Oral Biology from Texas A&M. He is a member of the American Dental Association and the American Association of Orthodontics. If you are interested in correcting crooked teeth, he offers Invisalign, clear braces, and metal braces. Schedule a consultation on his website or call (972) 377-5940.