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When Braces Are the Best Option

March 21, 2024

Woman with traditional metal bracesYou have many options to correct bite and alignment problems, like clear aligners or traditional metal braces. Although both are effective, sometimes, metal braces are the best solution. Here’s why your orthodontist may recommend brackets and wires instead of Invisalign.

Metal Braces VS Invisalign

Braces and Invisalign use different methods to move teeth. Invisalign requires a series of aligners to be worn over your teeth for at least 22 hours per day. Each aligner applies gentle pressure to move teeth in small increments. On average, it takes about 12 months to finish the series. 

Metal braces use a different technique. A system of brackets and wires are used to apply continual pressure to teeth to gently pull them into position. They can be used to fix the most complex issues, which may not be possible using clear aligners. Although every case differs, most treatment plans take 12 to 18 months.

When Are Braces the Best Choice?

Your orthodontist may recommend metal braces for certain situations, like:

  • Complex Cases: Significant tooth movements or severe bite issues may not be correctable using Invisalign. Braces can fix complex misalignment problems effectively.
  • Better Treatment Compliance: Although Invisalign has its benefits, it can be difficult to comply with your treatment plan. Not to mention, it’s easy to misplace your aligners. You don’t have to worry about switching aligners, accidentally misplacing them, or not wearing them long enough because braces are temporarily attached to your teeth.

Benefits of Metal Braces

Although Invisalign is popular for its discreet appearance, metal braces still have their benefits, including:

  • Effective: Braces can fix significant misalignment problems quickly and effectively to improve both oral health and functions.
  • Quick Results: Teeth may move more quickly with braces because there’s no interruption in the process, like when taking aligners out to eat or drink.
  • Affordable: Many dental insurance plans can be used to lower the amount you’ll pay out-of-pocket for orthodontics. Your orthodontist will work on your behalf with your insurance coverage to maximize your annual benefits.

It’s never too late to invest in a healthy, beautiful smile. Your orthodontist will create the personalized plan you need to achieve your best smile.

About Dr. Bradley Buchwald

Dr. Buchwald earned his dental degree at the Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine and has continued his education to specialize in orthodontics. He earned his Certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Science degree in Oral Biology from the Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (972) 552-8224.