If this is your first holiday season wearing braces, you might have some anxiety about eating during get-togethers. Don’t fret. Although a few dietary restrictions come along with wearing braces, you can still enjoy many of your seasonal favorites. Here are a few tips to help you eat holiday meals without damaging your braces.
Buchwald Orthodontics Blog
Tips for Eating Holiday Meals with Braces
December 15, 2023
Brace for the Holidays: How to Enjoy Holiday Meals with Braces
November 10, 2023

The holiday season is once more upon us, and it brings with it good cheer, gift-giving, and traditional feasts. While this makes it a wonderful time of year for many people, those who wear braces might have some difficulty enjoying a customary meal while keeping their orthodontic treatment on track. Here are a few tips to help people with braces enjoy their holiday feasts without worrying about having an orthodontic emergency.
(more…)Announcing the Opening of Our New Office in Prosper!
September 2, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce the grand opening of our new dental office right here in the heart of Prosper, TX! At Buchwald Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to providing top-notch care in a warm and welcoming environment. Our state-of-the-art facility and experienced team are committed to ensuring that your smile shines brightly and functions optimally for many years to come. Continue reading below to learn a little more about our brand-new office!
(more…)4 Helpful Back-to-School Tips for Teens with Invisalign
August 31, 2023

The weeks leading up to a new semester are filled with endless to-dos, from catching up on your summer reading and figuring out where your classes are to going shopping for new clothes. Naturally, you need to be proactive about staying on-track with your Invisalign treatment as well. Since this can be easier said than done, keep reading for four helpful back-to-school tips for teens with Invisalign!
(more…)Can You Wear Just One Invisalign Aligner?
July 3, 2023

Invisalign aligners have the benefit of being one of the sleekest, most convenient methods of straightening your teeth. However, just like any orthodontic appliance, some people aren’t a fan of wearing them.
If one arch of your teeth is straighter than the others, you may wonder whether you can wear Invisalign aligners on just one arch of your teeth. Here’s what you should know about whether that could be an option for you.
(more…)3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Take Off Your Braces
May 9, 2023

Braces represent a long journey for orthodontic patients from crooked, gapped, misaligned teeth to the perfectly straight smile they’ve always wanted. The day you get your braces off is always a memorable one, and the week or so after will involve plenty of people telling you how good your teeth look.
However, taking off your braces doesn’t mean the end of caring for your teeth. If you’re wondering what life will be like after orthodontics, here are some things that you may want to keep in mind.
(more…)3 Problems People with Braces Often Encounter
March 10, 2023

No matter how old you are, you probably are plenty familiar with braces as a dental treatment. While their shape and size have changed considerably over the years, the fact that wires and brackets have stuck around in some form for as long as they have is a testament to braces’ efficacy as a treatment.
However, as great as they can be, there are some problems that people who get this orthodontic treatment commonly run into. While managing them is easy, it’s still a good idea to try to know what you’re getting into if you’re getting braces soon. Here are some problems to watch out for.
(more…)3 Tips for Playing Sports with Braces
January 6, 2023
Accidents can happen without any warning. A friendly game of football or riding a mountain bike can lead to oral trauma. While you may never expect it to happen to you, 1 in 6 Americans experience a dental emergency annually. Although any injury to the mouth is never good, it can be especially devastating if you wear braces. You can be at risk of more severe injuries and damage to your braces. You don’t have to stop playing sports to keep your smile safe. Here are a few tips to protect your mouth when participating in sports.
Is It Possible to Wear Braces Only on the Top or Lower Row of Teeth?
December 13, 2022

When looking at your teeth, you may think the only real area that needs treatment is your upper arch. These teeth may appear crooked or even gapped, but your lower row appears completely normal. You’re certainly not the only person to wonder if braces can be worn on just the top or bottom teeth. However, an orthodontist is here to explain why although there is no rule saying you cannot move forward with that type of treatment, it’s highly recommended that you opt for a full set instead.
(more…)4 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Your Child with Braces
November 23, 2022

The holidays have finally arrived. In addition to there being so much excitement, there is also a long list of things that need to be done. Whether you are still stringing up lights around your home, putting together your holiday playlist, or trying to decide which recipes to use during your family meals, there are plenty of reasons to be excited! However, if your child has braces, this introduces a new challenge: which stocking stuffers are appropriate? Here are some fun ideas!